Enhancement of dimethyl sulphide separation during wort boiling by a single spinning cone evaporator


  • Xiaoyong Dai Tianjin University of Science and Technology
  • Pengyu Wang Tianjin University of Science and Technology
  • Qing Xu Tianjin University of Science and Technology
  • Long Wu Tianjin University of Science and Technology
  • Zhanyong Li Tianjin University of Science and Technology




wort boiling, energy saving, spinning cone, dimethyl sulphide (DMS), flash evaporation


Wort boiling is the most energy intensive stage in the brewing process.  Novel wort boiling systems have been explored to reduce primary energy consumption and improve wort quality and beer flavor stability. Low thermal stress boiling is proposed for wort boiling, but the content of dimethyl sulphide (DMS) in the wort may exceed the required product threshold. A single spinning cone evaporator (SCE) is proposed to enhance the separation of DMS and minimise the energy consumption for wortboiling. The performance of a SCE was evaluated by measurement of fluid flow, ratio of DMS removal, wort self-evaporation ratio based on sensible heat, and thermal efficiency. The results show that use of a spinning cone evaporator, reduced DMS by up to 90% with 2.1% wort self evaporation ratio with less primary heat consumption. The SCE operation exceeds the evaporation of a gravity film cone. Under reduced pressure, the spinning cone evaporator was less effective in DMS removal.


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Author Biographies

Xiaoyong Dai, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

College of Mechanical Engineering

Pengyu Wang, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

College of Mechanical Engineering

Qing Xu, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

College of Mechanical Engineering

Long Wu, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

College of Mechanical Engineering

Zhanyong Li, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

College of Mechanical Engineering


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How to Cite

Dai, X., Wang, P., Xu, Q., Wu, L., & Li, Z. (2023). Enhancement of dimethyl sulphide separation during wort boiling by a single spinning cone evaporator. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 129(2), 83–96. https://doi.org/10.58430/jib.v129i2.19