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The effect of pasteurisation and storage on aroma compounds in lager




aroma compounds, bottled beer, unpasteurised beer, pale malt lager beer, storage


Why was the work done: To investigate the impact of pasteurisation and storage in bottle on aroma compounds in pale lager beer.

How was the work done: Pale lager beer was produced at an industrial scale with 100% pilsner malt and a bottom fermenting yeast. Samples were taken of unpasteurised beer from bright beer tank, after flash pasteurisation and six months after packaging in amber glass bottles.

What are the main findings:  Post pasteurisation, a marked increase was found in the concentration of 2,3-pentanedione (50%) and diacetyl (33%),  presumably reflecting the decomposition by heat of precurser acetohydroxy acids.   There was also a marginal increase in dimethyl sulphide (6%) with little or no change in other aroma compounds. Storage for six months in bottle, also resulted in an increase in the level of 2,3-pentanedione,  diacetyl and dimethyl sulphide.   The linear (Pearson) correlation was > 0.8 for both dimethyl sulphide and diacetyl, and 2,3-pentanedione and diacetyl.  Accordingly, it was concluded that the levels in beer of dimethyl sulphide and 2,3-pentanedione are proportionally related to diacetyl.

Why is the work important: This work provides an insight into the effects on flavour and aroma of lager of flash pasteurisation and subsequent storage in bottle. The inter-relationship between aroma compounds in beer suggests that such synergies may undermine the sensory perception of threshold levels and identification of specific aromas.


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How to Cite

Gagula , G., Đurđević-Milošević, D., Ncube , T., & Magdić, D. (2024). The effect of pasteurisation and storage on aroma compounds in lager . Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 130(2), 83–92.